When you think of color you think of a lot of things like its brightness and shade. Did you know that color has a temperature as well? It is not quite what you think but the color temperature of your outdoor lighting can be one of the most important aspects of your lighting system. It is one of the variables that we at Resort Lighting take into account when we design and install your lighting system, so what exactly is color temperature?
Color Intensity, Angles and Color Temperature?
When it comes to your outdoor lighting system from Resort Lighting there are a lot of variables that need to be taken into account when the system is designed. We need to take into account the intensity, angles, the movement of natural light sources like the Sun and Moon and the color temperature. The colors used as well as the intensity help to set the mood for the property. Bolder colors help to create excitement while more subtle colors create an inviting environment. This is in essence the color temperature.
What is Color Temperature?
Color temperature is measured in Kelvins (K). When we see something we are actually seeing the light coming off of an object. Our brains are able to interpret the full spectrum of white light but when no light comes off of an object we see the color black. As an object gets hotter it radiates more light raising its color temperature going from red (1000K) to yellow (3000K) to white (6000K) to blue (9000K). Warmer colors are at the lower end of the scale and cooler colors are at the higher end. In most cases temperatures around 3000K are preferred to create a more inviting and warm environment.
Stick to One Temperature?
Outdoor lighting should typically stick to one color temperature to give it a more unified appearance though there are some cases where changing temperatures is appropriate. As mentioned earlier the most common color temperature is around 3000K which provides a relaxing environment without any color distortion. For a more rustic (or romantic) setting a color temperature of 2700K or lower works well as it simulates candle or fire light. For the record security lights come in at around 5000K and since they are not known for their aesthetic qualities going higher than 5000K is not recommended.
While color temperature is right for you with your lighting system? The color temperature can be found on any bulb’s box but without understanding what it is it really means nothing. If you need help Resort Lighting can help you make that determination before we install a system. LED lighting has helped to make this process much easier to understand since LED bulbs are much more versatile. Picking the right temperature can go a long way towards making your outdoor lighting both functional and aesthetically pleasing so choosing the right temperature is very important. Now if only we could control the actual temperature outside…