Outdoor lighting has changed over the years as new technology is introduced. An outdoor lighting system today has come leaps and bounds even in the past decade and much of that comes from improvements in light bulb technology like LED bulbs. This technology has increased the versatility of what a light bulb can do and one of the options that has been out of the reach of the average user will soon become standard. That is color changing bulbs.
Color Changing Bulbs?
When most people think of landscape lighting they think of your standard bulb, which produces a white light. There is nothing wrong with these bulbs of course and there is nothing wrong with white light. Some people though want a little bit of color in their life, or at least the option to add a little bit of color. Smart bulbs have made that possible but cost has kept many homeowners from taking advantage of this new technology.
When a personal computer debuted in 1981 it cost around $1,500 ($4,100 today). The first color television set cost $1,000 each when they debuted in 1954 ($9,300 today and only one show was broadcast in color. The first cell phone cost $4,000 each in 1983 ($10,000 today). There are of course plenty more examples of new technology being accessible to only the super wealthy when they are released but becoming more accessible over time as competition and the technology improves. We’re going to bet that you have all three of these pieces of technology in your home and none of them cost anywhere near what they cost when they were introduced. Smart color changing light bulbs are no different.
Smart Bulbs Becoming More Practical
Most people would like to have a smart bulb in their home. They connect to your home’s wifi network making controlling them as easy as using an app on your smartphone with your finger or even your voice. White smart light bulbs have dramatically decreased in price over the past few years and their popularity has lead to the introduction of color changing technology. Of course to start this technology has not been cheap with many bulbs costing over $50 each making this not practical for many homeowners.
Competition Drives Down Price
Since this has been new technology the price to start has been high for these bulbs but competition in this market has led to a dramatic decrease in price along with more options. These bulbs can give you more versatility with your landscape lighting. With the holiday season upon it make your home more festive and you won’t even have to worry about changing bulbs. Having a party? Change the color to match the ambiance or even set the smart bulbs to change colors and put on a show for your guests. Or just change the color to match your mood as you sit outside enjoying a cold beverage and listening to the sounds of nature.
These smart bulbs can work with many pre-existing lighting systems or can be added to any installation that Resort Lighting is handling. If you are considering upgrading your landscape lighting system to include smart bulbs you are not alone but before making any major changes you should consult with a professional service like Resort Lighting. By doing so you can make sure that your electrical system can handle the new bulbs and prevent any issues that could arise. We can also handle the installation or upgrade of the smart bulbs as well. So if you are on Long Island and this is something that you are considering don’t wait. Give Resort Lighting a call today at 631-283-5562 or email us at info@resortlightinginc.com!